2024 Floral Subscription

2023 the states best.png   Voted "BEST FLORIST" 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 
   Voted BEST FLORIST in "Lexington Life" for 2025
5175A Sunset Blvd
Lexington, SC 29072 
Store Hours
Mon. - Fri.  9:30 - 4:30
Sat.  - 10:00 - 1:00
Sun. - Closed
Later by appointment

Snapdragon Arrangements

Viewing 1 to 13 (13 Total)
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Winter Solace

Winter Solace


Winter Solace


A calming and tranquil bouquet of fresh crisp white and green flowers are perfect to brighten up the gloomy days of Winter  The arrangement will be filled with the freshest flowers and winter greenery available such as Bells of Ireland, Snap Dragons gerbers, fugis, buttons, alstromeria and daisies .

This arrangement will be delivered in a glass vase.    

Santa Express - Deluxe

Santa Express - Deluxe


Santa Express - Deluxe


Our Deluxe Santa Express will bring smiles to all ages.  This keepsake train engine will be filled with such flowers as gerbers, carnations, alstromeria, buttons, holiday greens and festive accents.  This keepsake container can be re-filled every holiday for years to come or a great candycane holder.  Limited supply - please call the store directly for availability.


This is a Tim's Touch exlusive design and is available only in our delivery area.  

Sweet Sunshine

Sweet Sunshine


Sweet Sunshine


This bouquet of our freshest, vivid colored flowers will certainly bring a smile.  A classic bubble bowl will be filled with such flowers as: hydrangea, alstromeria lilies, carnations, roses, snapdragon, sunflowers, gerbers and seasonal accent flowers.

A Tim's Touch original design


Color pallet may vary depending on current available flowers.

Fall Frenzy

Fall Frenzy


Fall Frenzy


With the Autumn season is busy with activities, remember to celebrate those special life events with a bouquet of fresh flowers in rich Fall colors.   This bouquet will arrive in a beautiful colored vase with a collection of our freshest flowers in a rich color pallet.  Flowers included such as; roses, sunflower, delfinium, poms, eucalyptus, and premium greenery with faux Fall leaves.   

This is  perfect for many occasions, whether it's a birthday, get well, thinking of you, or congratulations. 

approx. 18"x 6" 

Garden Bouquet

Garden Bouquet


Garden Bouquet


Our mixed Garden Bouquet includes premium flowers such as Roses, Bells of Ireland, Larkspur, Snap Dragons, Liatris, Hydrangea, Carnations, Lilies, and accent flowers. This cheerful arragement is perfect for any occassion.

White Christmas

White Christmas


White Christmas


This winter white bouquet is overflowing with elegance, combining roses, gerbera and hydrangea.

Treasured Memories Bskt

Treasured Memories Bskt


Treasured Memories Bskt


The Treasured Memories Basket is filled with delicate flowers such as gerbers, oriental lilies, snap dragons, daisies, montecasino, wax flowers, and other seasonal accent flowers, along with assorted greeneries and sheer ribbon accents. This soft color combination is fitting for any female of any age. We can design this in other colors that are fitting for a masculine look also. We will select colors appropriate for gender appropriate.

Delivered in a rattan basket. This is apppropriate for any service or can be delivered to the home.


Lavish Royal Garden

Lavish Royal Garden


Lavish Royal Garden


Lavishly affordable bouquet has all the grace and beauty of the Queen's royal gardens. Filled with premium flowers such as roses, oriental lilies, gerbera, snap dragons, stock, iris, bells of Ireland, hydrangea and other beuatiful blooms.  This will certainly take their breath away as they gaze at the beauty of each bloom.

Color combinations will vary on available product.

A Tim's Touch Exclusive 

Peaceful Rest Basket

Peaceful Rest Basket


Peaceful Rest Basket


The Peaceful Rest basket compliments the Serenity and Peaceful Solace stand sprays. The basket is filled with white and green premium flowers such as; Bells of Ireland, Roses, Lilies, Snap Dragons, Orchids.Fujis, seasonal accent flowers and premium greeneries. 

This design is fitting for any gender or age. It is appropriate for any service or can be sent to the home.

Delivered in a rattan basket.



Serenity Standing Spray

Serenity Standing Spray


Serenity Standing Spray


An elegant standing spray of white and ivory fragrant flowers. This design incudes such flowers as roses, carnations, fujis, oriental lilies, stock, snap dragons, seasonal accent flowers, and branches.  This traditional but stylish design is appropriate for any gender and any age.  

The standing spray is fitting to send to the funeral home or church for a traditional burial at the cemetary or mosaleum.

Peaceful Solace Spray

Peaceful Solace Spray


Peaceful Solace Spray


The Peaceful Solace standing spray is designed with all white and green flowers with premium assorted greens. This expressionof love and compassion is filled with such flowers as: Bells of Ireland, Roses, Snap Dragons, Fujis, Lilies, Carnations, Stock, Buttons and branches. 

This design is appropriate for any gender or age.

The standing spray is fitting for the funerral home or church service and the cemetary or mosaleum bruial. 

*Shown as Deluxe Upgrade







This tribute will be delivered on an easel filled with brightly colored flowers, such as Snap Dragons, Bells of Ireland, Alstromeria, Fugis, Carnations, and other accent flowers. We will design this with gender appropriate colors of flowers.

Garden of Love

Garden of Love


Garden of Love


A sympathy tribute filled with an assortment of garden flowers. Premium seasonal flowers fill this arrangement, such as Delphinium, Iris, Sunflowers, Roses, Hydrangea, Lilies, and Snap Dragons. This design is heightened with branches and assorted foliages, and delivered in a rattan basket. This arragement is appropriate for the service or to be sent to the home.