2024 Floral Subscription

2023 the states best.png   Voted "BEST FLORIST" 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 
   Voted BEST FLORIST in "Lexington Life" for 2025
5175A Sunset Blvd
Lexington, SC 29072 
Store Hours
Mon. - Fri.  9:30 - 4:30
Sat.  - 10:00 - 1:00
Sun. - Closed
Later by appointment


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Indian Summer Bouquet

Indian Summer Bouquet


Indian Summer Bouquet


Bright-colored flowers such as  lilies, hydrangea, Gerbera daisies or sun flowers, carnations, pompons and larkspur are lively and soothing at the same time.

Heavenly Hydrangea - SOLD OUT

Heavenly Hydrangea - SOLD OUT


With its big, beautiful blooms, hydrangea signify perseverance and thank you for understanding. Send your sentiments along with this Heavenly Hydrangea plant.  This beautiful keepsake plant will be dressed in a rattan basket and bow.

Please select color preference - pink or blue.  We will fill with you choice as long as they are available.

Sweet Sunshine

Sweet Sunshine


Sweet Sunshine


This bouquet of our freshest, vivid colored flowers will certainly bring a smile.  A classic bubble bowl will be filled with such flowers as: hydrangea, alstromeria lilies, carnations, roses, snapdragon, sunflowers, gerbers and seasonal accent flowers.

A Tim's Touch original design


Color pallet may vary depending on current available flowers.

Enchanted  Bouquet

Enchanted Bouquet


Enchanted Bouquet


Send the Enchanted  Bouquet to someone special. The glass bubble bowl vase is filled fresh flowers like  hydrangea, roses, gerbera daisies, fragrant oriental lilies and seasonal accent flowers.


Pure Pleasures

Pure Pleasures


Pure Pleasures


Pure beauty and sweet innocence come to life in this dreamy collection of pearly white and pastel blooms. An assorment of white, ivory, peach or light pink flowers that may include roses, hydrangea, tulips, stock, lizianthus, gerbera, that are available. 

Glass container may vary

Garden Bouquet

Garden Bouquet


Garden Bouquet


Our mixed Garden Bouquet includes premium flowers such as Roses, Bells of Ireland, Larkspur, Snap Dragons, Liatris, Hydrangea, Carnations, Lilies, and accent flowers. This cheerful arragement is perfect for any occassion.

My Mother, My Friend

My Mother, My Friend


My Mother, My Friend


Share what's in your heart with this warm and sunny vase arrangement; overflowing with roses, hydrangea, Gerbera daisies andyour good wishes.

Roses and Hydrangea - 5 colors Available

Roses and Hydrangea - 5 colors Available


When just a dozen roses won't do. Our premium dozen roses with beautiful hydrangea will show how extra special someone is.  

The upgrades will include addition accent flowers such as monte casino, saladago, and wax flower.    

5 rose colors to choose from. Please indicate your first and second choice below.

 1st and 2nd Choice colors MUST BE DIFFERENT COLORS - If same color is listed we will pick an optional color as your second choice.  

Lavish Royal Garden

Lavish Royal Garden


Lavish Royal Garden


Lavishly affordable bouquet has all the grace and beauty of the Queen's royal gardens. Filled with premium flowers such as roses, oriental lilies, gerbera, snap dragons, stock, iris, bells of Ireland, hydrangea and other beuatiful blooms.  This will certainly take their breath away as they gaze at the beauty of each bloom.

Color combinations will vary on available product.

A Tim's Touch Exclusive 

Garden of Love

Garden of Love


Garden of Love


A sympathy tribute filled with an assortment of garden flowers. Premium seasonal flowers fill this arrangement, such as Delphinium, Iris, Sunflowers, Roses, Hydrangea, Lilies, and Snap Dragons. This design is heightened with branches and assorted foliages, and delivered in a rattan basket. This arragement is appropriate for the service or to be sent to the home.